Pastor busted after making misleading Trump rally claims

Pure propaganda, plain and simple

Alt-left website plays fast and loose with the truth in story about Pastor Joel Tooley’s experience in Melbourne.

According the story, Pastor Joel Tooley of the First Church of the Nazarene in Melbourne attended the nearby rally with his daughter just so that she could have the opportunity to see the president in person. “After all, how many times do you get to see the President of the United States in person – let alone in your hometown? I was eager for her to have this experience,” wrote Pastor Tooley.

But a cursory perusal of Pastor Tooley’s Twitter account reveals that Tooley was a vocal anti-Trumper long before he ever decided to attend the Melbourne rally with the pretend goal of giving his daughter a “positive presidential memory”– a stark contrast to the humble, nonpartisan peace-making church leader described in the U.S. Uncut article.

After the presidential debates:

…my final assessment based on their closing thoughts: she’s a confident, intelligent communicator; he’s a mouthy brat.

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) October 20, 2016

Earlier that week, Pastor Tooley posted a tweet bashing Trump’s grammar, and followed up less than an hour later by labeling Trump supporters as “impressionable non-thinkers”.

Stop saying “bigly,” you sound stupid. #debates

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) October 20, 2016

Donald pulled out the “Trojan horse” comment – great; now every impressionable non-thinker will believe him.

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) October 20, 2016

However, Tooley’s tweets about his daughter– the same one who was “horrified to the point of tears”– clearly indicate that both knew perfectly well what they were in for when they decided to attend Trump’s Melbourne rally.

My 10-year old: Does he know ‘bigly’ isn’t a word? #Debates2016

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) October 10, 2016

#Debates2016 – kids should not be afraid of their president. #ImmigrationVoter

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) October 10, 2016

In fact, when Trump came to town during the campaign season, Pastor Tooley expressed no desire whatsoever to attend, stating that he’d rather go to Walmart. #Donald Trump

One of the 2 major political candidates is in town tonight – seems like a good time to go to Walmart.

— J O E L•t o o l e y (@JoelTooley) September 27, 2016

About avirginiapatriot1776

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. — Ronald Reagan
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1 Response to Pastor busted after making misleading Trump rally claims

  1. glenya7121 says:

    He is the reason many are turned off by these money, publicity, seeking so called pastors who want big churches and Big Money, Mansions to live in, Jets to fly, yachts and ocean front prop erty and a Limos w/drivers. People like him, aren’t about bringing people to Christ, just seeking publicity. ..he went to the the Liberal Washpost, (hoping for Publicity) who are all for Illuminati and Baby killing.

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